In addition to members of the Core Group, the Steering Committee include a Scientific Board gathering representative from top-level academic and research institutions from all the eleven Balkan countries, as well as from Hungary and Turkey. These National Contact Points are for:

Belisa Muka
Professor at the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Albania

Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Adisa Lepić
Head of the Department of Archaeology of the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Petya Andreeva
Assistant Professor at the National Archaeological Institute with Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Kristina Jelinčić Vučković
Senior Expert Assistant and Documentalist at the Institute of Archaeology

Platon Petridis
Associate Professor of Byzantine Archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Ádám Bollók
Head of the Department of Ancient, Migration and Mediaeval Archaeology of the HUN-REN Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Archaeology, Institute of Excellence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Arben Hajdari
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Prishtina

Tatjana Koprivica
Research Associate at Historical Institute of the University of Montenegro

North Macedonia:
Ljubinka Džidrova
Senior Curator Adviser at the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia

Ioan Carol Opriș
Associate Professor Habil. of Roman and Early Byzantine History, Archaeology and History of Arts at the University of Bucharest

Nadežda Gavrilović Vitas
Senior Research Fellow at the Archaeological Institute, Belgrade

Tina Milavec
Associate Professor of Archaeology at the University of Ljubljana
Past Members:
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Albania, 2021:
Luan Perzhita
Director of the Academy of Albanian Studies, former Director of the Institute of Archaeology
No picture available
Bulgaria, 2021:
Lyudmil Vagalinski
Associate Professor and former Director of the National Archaeological Institute with Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Bulgaria, 2021-2022:
Boyan Dumanov
Chair of Department of Archaeology of the New Bulgarian University
No picture available
Hungary, 2021:
Friderika Horváth
Head of the Scientific Department of the Institute of Archaeology within the Research Centre for the Humanities – Eötvös Loránd Research Network (Centre of Excellence, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
No picture available
North Macedonia, 2021:
Goran Sanev
Curator Adviser at the Archaeological Museum of Republic of North Macedonia

Romania, 2021-2022:
Cristian Găzdac
Associate Professor Habil. of Ancient Numismatic and Protection of the Cultural Heritage at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
No picture available
Romania, 2021:
Szilamér Péter Pánczél
Head of the Roman Limes Research Centre of the Mureş County Museum

Serbia, 2021-2023:
Vujadin Ivanišević
Head of the Mediaeval Project of the Archaeological Institute, Belgrade